Monday, April 6, 2015

International Rescue Committee (IRC) on the Waterfalls Hike

13 kids, 2 IRC workers and 4 volunteers from ICO all headed out to do waterfall hikes on Saturday April 4th.  First there was Anna Ruby Falls at Unicoi State Park which is where this picture was taken.  Then there was Desoto Falls Recreation Area a few miles away.  Most of  the kids are from Iraq and Burma and have only been in the US a short time.  Everyone had a fun time.

Warren B&G Club at McIntosh Reserve Park

Nine youth and an adult leader from Warren/Holyfield Boys & Girls Club joined three ICO volunteers for a day trip to McIntosh Reserve Park on March 28, 2015.  We parked the bus at the Council Bluff Pavilion and hiked to see an old log cabin (built ca 1839) and the grave of Chief William McIntosh.  Along the trail, the youth noted the interesting terrain, plants, lichens and other things of interest.  Upon returning to Council Bluff, we had lunch overlooking the Chattahoochee River and prepared hot water for tea using camping cook stoves.  The youth sampled different teas (traditional and fruit varieties), and one ICO volunteer even tried a tea made from Yaupon Holly leaves, the ceremonial “black tea” used by Native Americans of the Southeastern U.S.  The main event of the day was kite flying in the large open field beside Council Bluff.  Some of the youth were so excited that they ran nearly a half mile—about halfway down the field--with their kites flying high.   After a brief visit to see the cabin again, it was time to head back to the Club.