Monday, May 29, 2017

May 13th - IRC visits Mercer Orchard/Amicalola Falls

Six student participated in the May 13th Atlanta ICO event. The day started with strawberry picking at Mercer Orchard. Each student was provided with a bucket for strawberries.

Later, students enjoyed lunch at Joe's BBQ. The trip concluded with a hike to Amicalola Falls. One student was disabled, so half of the students went on a hike and half drove up to the fall.

Transportation, breakfast, and snacks were also provided to students. A great outing and nice to see that accommodations were made for the disabled IRC student.

Atlanta ICO 10 years later

Ani Yahzid lives is in Boulder, CO surrounded by majestic mountains.  He is from Atlanta, GA and he doesn't forget it.

When he was in Boys and Girls Club, he was involved in the Atlanta ICO trips, which influenced him.

He directs films about outdoor experiences from an urban perspective and what it means for kids who don't have access to those experiences.

Ani is not only grateful for his Atlanta ICO experiences, but he is motivated to carry on the Atlanta ICO mission with media and entertainment.  He is trying to motivate kids to get on out into the wild!

Please visit Ani's page and like his Youtube video's and if you remember him, please reach out to him!!